Thursday, June 18, 2009

Never mind the bollocks

I know, I know! I never write, I never call, heck I don't even PM. I leave you at home weeping into your keyboard and wondering if I will ever type the words blow job ever again. For my absence I am sorry. I have a little thing called a job (is a PhD a job?) and it has silly things like deadlines and pressures. Since today is a sunny day and I am involved in a vast conspiracy for slacking off while drinking beers on the rooftop of 'Your Father's Moustache' this afternoon, I figured I could also take a little time to slack in advance.

Moose news? What is that? Admittedly my post draft rants have been slow coming and I never listed all of our new draftees. It is with open arms I welcome following boys into the fold. No, they can't nuzzle into my boobies quite yet. I need to see them in a jersey first.

Round 1( #15)
Brent Andrews 1993-01-19 6'1" 183

Round 2 (#19)
Jamie Bishop 1993-03-14 6'0" 168

Round 3 (#49)
Matthew Boudreau 1993-03-09 5'8" 149

Round 4 (#67)
Trey Lewis 1993-05-31 5'11" 170

Round 4 (#72)
Carl GĂ©linas 1992-02-06 5'11" 172

Round 6 (#106)
Sawyer Hannay 1992-09-06 6'3" 190

Round 9 (#145)
Joel Grondin 1992-02-27 6'1" 192

Round 10 (#163)
Brett Bernard 1992-02-24 5'11" 170

Round 11 (#181 )
Steve Gillard 1992-02-01 5'10" 184

Round 12 (#197)
Kody Orr 1992-10-11 6'0" 170

I know nothing about these boys (except we drafted a lot of guys who want to go NCAA) but on draft weekend Matthew Wuest had a lot of coverage and so I will direct you to him. His pick by pick coverage is excellent except he fails to provide info on who the little hotties are. I suggest you stick with reading his stuff because he is all in the know and likely hasn't offered anyone a blowjob for information recently. This means he is legit. Me? Not so much!

Today you can read a post about our first round pick Brett Andrews. Andrews is still not sure if he wants to report and I am making angry fists in his general direction until he decides to come here.
“We’re not sure yet. We’re in discussions,” Andrews, 16, told the Charlottetown Guardian from his home in Hunter River, P.E.I. “It was a pretty big surprise. I didn’t expect them to pick me that high.”
May I also recommend Wuest's twitter feed?

The Moose are getting with the times:
The Mooseheads have also started a twitter feed and it is making me feel all tingly in my nethers. The next step may be a website overhaul. I mean really guys - get on it! They also had game announcer John Moore write about the draft. Maybe they can actually get around to getting him a real blog page like the Wildcats did with Les Stoodley. Not that I want to be pushed to the edge of the Moose blog-o-verse by a bunch of team sanctioned legits. I wish that blogging would get me free season tickets. Wouldn't that be nice?

The Moose used their twitter to show me this:
Moose sighting! Look out for the new double decker bus that i... on Twitpic
I mean, look at this fancy shnazmatazz (not a word)!!! This is Gabe the 2nd (now, Gabe the only) wearing our new jersey. The team put a picture up on their website but quickly removed it. I have yet to see a picture of the new uniform in full.

I just have one complaint. I know Gabe is pretty and all, and he is one of the few boys still around since he is going to school in Halifax, but dearest team - you must use more than one player for promotions.
I hope to see more varied and different faces on promotional materials. 4th line players are still Mooseheads, ya' know! I need a little more MacDonald mullett in my life.

Ball hockey
The CBC Play-On Ball Hockey tournament is taking place on the Halifax Commons this weekend. The Mooseheads will be playing a game against the Moncton Wildcats. I wonder if Gabe the 1st (now, Gabe the Huskie) will be playing or if he has been disowned by our ball hockey team as well. Will Brent Andrews lose his NCAA eligibility if he takes Gabe's place on the ball hockey team?

I will be there - but only because I will be acting as cheerleader, fluffer and trainer for my boyfriend...or at least that is what I will tell him. I may skulk over to the Mooseheads game and get my drool on.

Wuests' next big three:
Matthew Wuest has also updated his Q-flies to discuss three players that he thinks will have an impact next year. Included on the list are Gerrad "model's body" Grant*, Jessyko "puppy" Bernard, and Pascal "I don't have a nickname for him yet" Amyot.

This is what he has to say about Jessyko:
For a 20-game stretch last year, Bernard was scoring at a point-per-game pace on the top line with Tomas Knotek. Then he disappeared. But at 18, he'll be asked to take on a scoring-line role and has size and hands to rise to the occasion.
Wonderful. We like to blame Jessyko's lost production on a series of injuries/aggravated injuries during the second half. I have huge faith is Jessyko. Why didn't I bid on that Bernard limited edition V's Jersey? Blame the goalie!

Anyway, the point I want to make is not about the praise - it is about the dis below. Why do we let people comment in the newspaper? If they want a voice they can get a blog like me and then people can choose to read it or not to read it.

Newspaper comments bombard me with idiocy - I hate them. Metro reader Sonny says "Bernard would have to be in a lot better shape that he was to have a breakout season, his stamina was very low also he has to lose his hot dog attitude ( as in no more between period interviews, please)"

Sonny is clearly on crack. Jessyko's intermission interviews were the one thing I actually had to look forward to at last year's games. I want to see more singing, more fancy suits, more stylin' glasses, more luxurious mullet growth and the pimpin'est shoes - faux snakeskin perhaps. I wonder if he can dance in his blades? Hmmmmm? I think he should definitely give that a try. Never mind the bollocks, Jessyko.

NHL Draft:
I could compile a list of players from the Q who are expected to go in this years draft. If I am feeling like science is bogging me down I might just do it....or I might just opt for what I have been doing during my downtime all week - lapsing into a vegetative state on the sofa. I hope that Simon Despres and Olivier Roy get their just placements in the draft. I think it is about time the Devils drafted a new young goalie with a high pick. I also wish Gabriel O'Connor good luck with the draft and I really really hope that he has caught the eye of at least one NHL team who is willing to give him a chance.

Olivier Roy (Cape Breton) and Jake Allen (Montreal) have been invited to the Hockey Canada's national junior development camp in August. Congrats to the boys. I lubs me some goalie. I especially lubs me my Q- goalies. I am glad we will have two goalies reppin' the Q this year.

*Sweetie - I am NEVER going to let you live that down.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear sweet Q-girl your writing is like a breathe of fresh air. Do you have a fan club or something? Perhaps you could start one on the Jouergarcon channel (Canadian equivalent to the Playboy channel).

Thank you for thinking of us fans, we appreciate it. Matthew Wuest is fine and all but he doesn't bring it like you do. Ahhhhh, Q-Girl.

BTW, have you been able to pull that Fullerton thing out of your ass yet? I wish you would, he is bad medicine and he makes you stupid loopey.

Q-girl said...

Fullerton could have a full time home in my ass if he wishes.

Work is hard stuff, and not the kinda hard stuff I like.

Kev said...

I agree with Anon, I love your style of writing Q-Girl. Glad I found the Mooseheads blog equivalent of Drunk Jays Fans, haha. Keep up the good work. :)