Lewiston faced off against Saint John today and Bernier was ever so kind to me. If you can simultaneously blow kisses and stop pucks -well, then that is what he was doing. 3-1 in favour of Lewiston. A loss for Saint John means that the Halifax Mooseheads can remain number one in the eastern conference standings.
If I could take back Lewiston's third goal I would. It could be my little gift for Fullerton, because I am kind like that, and also because when you give a little, you get a little.
But Fully's performance was inconsequential, since it seems as if nothing could stop Bernier tonight (with a 0.971 save % on 35 shots). He was magic with whipped cream and sprinkles. It is almost as if he has a tracker in the puck and a radar installed in his head. To top it off he can make it look so damn easy. Someone should run this boy through airport security scanners before every game just to make sure he is clean. If they cannot find the appropriate scanning device I guess I will just have to volunteer to frisk him. I give so much of myself sometimes, I really do. It is all for the love of the game.

Props to the camera men in Lewy as well as the announcers. Nice close ups of the nets really allow a girl to see what a goalie is up to. I appreciate it more since my last game viewed on Telus was from Val d'Or and all the shots were wide. Furthermore the Lewy announcers are really good. The Halifax announcer eats the mic and it makes a horrible sound. The Mooseheads have a game this weekend against the Wildcats and I am expecting the worst camera work / announcing. The last Moncton game I watched on Telus was mostly boards, floors, and shots from too close of an angle near the blue line and in the neutral zone. As a result you could not follow the play.
What really matters for the Mooseheads right now is who IS NOT getting points. Around the league many of the big boys fell to lower tier opponents:
- Rouyn-Noranda Huskies were defeated by the Drummondville Voltigeurs 5-4. All four netminders played in this game.
- Victoriaville Tigre outscored the Gatineau Olympics 5-2. Victoriaville's win comes with back-up netminder Legault in nets (Poulin was out for personal reasons). Clermont takes the loss for Gatineau.
- The Acadie-Bathurst Titan also defeated the PEI rocket 6-2 with Champion getting the win and Gelinas the loss for PEI.
The wins by both the Titan and Lewiston means that both teams remain tied for fourth in the Eastern conference with 76 point each.
A loss by PEI should cheer up the people of Moncton. Moncton and PEI are in a struggle for the final playoff position with PEI currently leading by 4 points.
According to Wuest (via the hockey news) "Halifax Mooseheads right-winger Jakub Voracek is ranked fourth in the world among prospects". Brad Marchand was the only other local player in the top 100. He was ranked #64.
Players of the month can now be found at the QMJHL site:
Offensive: Francis Paré - Chicoutimi Saguenéens
Defensive: Drew Paris - Acadie-Bathurst Titan
Rookie Player: Jacob Lagacé - Chicoutimi Saguenéens
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