It might just be too much for me to take. Bernier (please), Fullerton (if there is a God in heaven, please oh pretty, pretty please, with cherries on top), and Pelletier (hopefully, if not, Cam will see the backside of my hand) in my barn, all in the run of five days. The chances of immaculate conception are very high. I am suspecting that our baby will be the second coming of Martin Brodeur and that once born, every year after that will be 'the year a goalie stops everything' - war, famine, prejudice, pucks - literally everything.

But who will I choose to help raise our baby? Last time I had a date with Pelletier he got phone numbers from 4 other girls, three of which were total tarts. I was sooo pissed I had to call up Yeti and get him to drive me home. On my last date with Bernier I was expecting a nice box of chocolates, maybe something Austrian/German like Mirabell Mozart Marzipan Kugeln, I got Ganongs instead. Fullerton was a good date, he gave me ....uuhhh, let's just call it satisfaction. The satisfaction is very important. Fully has also given me a recent bout of goalie rage and a poke-check in a shootout. It would appear as if he is thinking of me and trying to keep me happy even when he isn't playing in Halifax. What have you done for me lately P-O? No, looking pretty while riding the pine doesn't count. P-O and Bernier really have to step it up the next time they play in Halifax.
Baby Steve Mason pic from TSN's world Jr Page photo gallery
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